Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Hello World!!

"My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations."
                                                                        ~ John Green

Welcome to Little Quirks and Lots of Sparkle!! This is new territory for me. I've always loved to write, but putting what I write out in the open for everyone to see? Honestly it's a little scary. But I'm hoping that this blog will help me to connect with people who share the same passions that I do.

And I am passionate about A LOT of things.

My first love is Jesus Christ. I accepted him as my Savior on September 20, 2011. He is my All and my Everything and can't imagine life without the assurance of His love and grace.

The first thing about me: I am NOT a perfect Christian and never will be. I am only a screwed-up human being striving to be like the perfect God, and that's it.

I have found solace and strength in His love, and I hope that you do as well.

My second love is Reading. I have been reading since I was about 4 years old. My mom tells me that I never slept with a stuffed animal or a pillow. Instead, I insisted on sleeping on top of a pile of books.

The second thing about me: I am not considered 'normal' by any stretch of the word(:

My love for books has not diminished as I've grown older. In fact, it has increased. And I will read just about anything. Action, drama, romance, and especially the classics. I love being able to lose myself in a book and be transported into another time and place. It's one of the most beautiful things about reading and I will never grow tired of it.

My third love is Music. Words cannot describe what music does for me. However I will try. Music lifts my soul up on the wings of magic and power. Is that weird?? It probably is. There is just something about a wonderful and meaningful song. It can make you smile, laugh, cry, contemplate your life, and so much more.

I have a very mixed "favorites playlist" so to speak. I love pop, hip hop, contemporary, r&b, gospel, opera, country, and pretty much any song that has a good beat and meaningful lyrics. I try not to just listen to whatever is popular. I want the music I listen to to have a heart and soul of it's own.

My fourth love is Fashion. There's a quote about fashion that I absolutely love:
"Fashion says 'me too.' Style says 'only me.'"

And it's true. Throughout history humans have been striving to be considered "fashionable." But when you try to dress like everyone else, it starts to eat away at your originality. Then all that you are is a slave to fashion, and there's no fun in that. You should always dress in a way that makes you happy.

The third thing about me: Sometimes my clothes get strange looks. But that's because I dress for me and I dress for Him. I want to please myself in my style, but I also want to please Him by dressing in a modest fashion. It's hard sometimes, but I try to make it work.

So that's me in a nutshell, albeit large. So I hope that you stick around!! We are going to have SO much fun together!!

Until we meet again!!


  1. Yes we are going to have so much fun! Lovely introduction. :-) ♥

  2. very nice, i can't wait for more. love you!!
