Just a quick update on the life of moi(:
Please ignore the hot mess that is clearly happening in this picture.... But as you might be able to tell, I got an iPhone!! For those of you who don't know, I've been out of the technology game, so to speak, for a few months now. My long-faithful (and very cracked) iPod died. And since I don't have a steady job, I didn't really have money to buy a new one. However, I found this one on Amazon for $109 (!!). Isn't that crazy?!??!! I don't have service on it yet because I have to pay for it, and as mentioned above, I don't have a steady job-- yet. Fingers crossed for Publix, though.
So this is the box. It's a box. My phone is a 4s, if you were wondering.
My lock screen
The main menu. No more going to Settings!!
Page numero uno. Otherwise known as the page with all the apps I don't use.
Page two-- the apps that I use the most
Page three-- the apps that didn't make the cut for page two. Plus, isn't my background just adorable?? I love it!!
And that's all the time we have for today!! See you on Music Monday!!
OOOOOOhhhh love it Callan :) The hot mess selfie, the phone, the box, the lockscreen, i love it all :) Can't wait to get one myselfs :P